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Old Montreal in Depth
Take the time that this old and historical area desserve. This 3 hours tour will explore the Old Montreal like no one else do. From one side to another.

Learn about the foundation, the French period, the industrial era and the huge activities of the port, Montreal the economic metropolis, the decline of the Old Montreal and its renaissance. See remains and visible traces of those periods and imagine the life here a century ago, or two, or three...

go inside beautiful building you wouldn't know you can and go across all the Old Montreal from the river to the former walls, from West to East. And always with the UrbanMarmotte's style.

(This tour is available all year round as a private tour)
Indoor City Tour
An entire tour of this amazing underground city network. More...
4 hours tour
Metro, stations & public art
To know more about the metro and public art within. More...
2-2½ hours tour
Urban Marmotte Grand Tour
Our signature. A tour taking you into many different areas. More...
6 hours tour
Old Montreal in Depth
Take the time this historical area desserve. More...
3 hours tour
Old Montreal by night
To see the Old Montreal at its best. More...
2½-3 hours tour
Review Urban Marmotte - Walking Tours
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